
the art of invisibility (buy on Amazon)
There is a lot to admire in Thomas Thomas' work, but what I think I like the most is that he so often gives us a single image or moment and trusts his reader to do some of the heavy lifting. These are beautiful, inspired poetic moments that draw us in and allow us to inhabit the poet's universe. He writes about invisibility both hated and desired. He writes about work and family. He does all of it well.
—John Brantingham, Poet Laureate of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Alternately fragmentary and conversational, touching and chilling, poems of tenderness, sympathy, grief, and longing. The Art of Invisibility offers more proof, if more proof were needed, that Thomas' is a vital voice in contemporary poetry.
—Zachary Locklin, Author of My Beard Supports Nothing